The greatest asset we have is our team. The more we give from ourselves in order to serve and help others, the greater our opportunities to grow.
At INTERNATIONAL MARKETING GROUP we value highly the people who day by day work with us offering the best quality of services and the best products to thousands of people and families all over the globe.

We are proud to have one of the best sales teams in the area of Life and Retirement Insurance. We have the best Executives, renowned, with training, skills, and expertise in the market of Latin America and other parts of the world. Our Sales Advisors are connected with the American Life Insurance industry, receiving important income in dollars.
Our team is the cornerstone for the development of our company. Thanks to our team we have accomplished and will continue to accomplish important goals. Our mission is to support the growth of our Advisors who receive full attention and the best service. All our effort is aimed at clearing their path towards success.
We continually work to provide our Executives with the tools they need to develop their career with us, to become leaders and to develop their own sales structures.
We offer constant virtual and face-to-face training both in your local country and at our headquarters in the United States. Additionally, we have an exclusive support team that assists our Advisors to meet their needs. We also have a team of advisors, who are responsible for ensuring the development and professional growth of our Agents around the world.







An IMG executive is responsible for providing security and protection to every Client of his through our products. Each sale ensures the economic stability of a person and/or a family. By collecting the Life Insurance policy that person and/or family can provide for family sustenance, for the proper medical care that a human being deserves, can recover from the economic losses occurred in case of an eventuality or contingency, and usually, the policy is the financial answer to many needs in the business field.
A policy sold by an insurance producer looks like any paper, but it turns into moral assistance, economic stability and dignity for thousands of people, at the exact moment when it is most needed.